David Bycroft – Founder and Executive Director

David is acknowledged in this industry as a leading innovator and business developer. He has assisted global companies like Allianz grow their international student business and in Australia led the strategy and marketing for Allianz to claim the number one position in their international student business.

As the key initiator of the highly successful AHN project, David has led the development of the business during a critical time for the international student accommodation industry and is currently an Executive Director of the MSI Group.

David commenced his work in the international education industry in 1999 and has been a key contributor to government and industry reviews having conducted focus groups and workshops for industry, homestay hosts and students to establish the issues facing this complex part of the industry.

His contributions to the Australian Senate Inquiry into the Welfare of International Students findings (November 2009) and the ESOS review (February 2010) have greatly assisted bringing better controls and standards to this critical part of the international education industry. David worked with the Department of Immigration in 2012 to create the widely promoted ‘Community Placement Network’ (CPN) to improve the conditions and outcomes for onshore processing of asylum seekers, and successfully placed 600 asylum seekers with Australian families.

David was appointed as the only QLD resident of the NSW Government Taskforce on International Education and Research received an ‘Outstanding Contribution Award’ from the Council of International Students of Australia (CISA) for his remarkable support of CISA.

Yichao (Vella) Qiu - Director

Vella has rich experience in both legal and finance areas and has previously worked at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australian Consulate General Shanghai has accumulated lots of experience and channels dealing with immigration and or cross-border matters.

Vella is currently an operations manager of Equiprise Corporation Pty Ltd. Being an early-year International Student, she is interested in working with MSI to make a better global student service platform.

Zhuqing (Steven) Fang - Director

Steven is a China resident, and he is quite familiar with Australia as he had spent seven years in Australia for his Bachelor and Master degrees in both Accounting and Banking & Financing. He has rich experience in Financing area.

Steven is now managing different big-scale funds, mainly focusing on developing enterprises, covering both China and US markets. Mr. Fang is very interested in MSI’s development and may work with the management to help MSI accomplish the next bigger rounds of Capital Raising or even an IPO.